<3 Exhibition Design
We offer exhibition design for museums, galleries, and all places where something can be exhibited. Watch us turn a graphic concept into a complete structural implementation! We'll also take care of the accompanying exhibition marketing or catalogs.
We want to make content accessible to as many people as possible. In our day-to-day work, we therefore take care to avoid the most common obstacles to low-barrier access. If the project requires it, we also approach (unattainable) full accessibility: Visual and content comprehensibility, structural data preparation and accessibility aids for the digital and analog world according to common standards.
Who are you? What do you offer?
We love helping brands find their voice. Having a corporate identity gives your company self-confidence! We create visual and linguistic guidelines while helping you clarify your vision and mission statement. After launch, we stay by your side to ensure that your brand remains fresh and up to date!
Corporate Design
We develop all the visual components for corporate communication, starting with a logo, a house font, and a memorable color scheme. We'll give you a corporate design manual with easily applicable rules.
We make sure to consider all avenues if required, such as equipment, uniforms, installations, products, and the entire marketing - in print, digital, and space.
Digital / UI Design
We design user interfaces for interactive information: apps, websites, and webshops. We also create barrier-free media content for exhibitions and public spaces.
Editorial Design
We design and set layouts for print products from two pages to two hundred! Magazines, newspapers, image brochures or annual reports, product catalog, or exhibition catalog. As always, barrier-free as standard.
<3 Learning stations
... combine playful and didactic elements to impart knowledge and boost learning success. We develop individual solutions for educational trails, museums, leisure parks and zoological gardens.
<3 Graphic Design
Information is understood primarily through its presentation. First, we define the addressee, message, and medium. Then we design accessible layouts, taking into account perceptual habits of the audience and technical limitations of the medium.
We love illustration: Whether illustrative branding, character design, infographics, illustrating assets for explainer videos, or something else!
Information Design
In a complex world, attention is considered an increasingly valuable resource. We simplify information by visualizing it in infographics with reduced form. We create wayfinding systems and icons or signet systems for barrier-free understanding.
Get the message across! Print, digital or multi-media, we work with you to develop a campaign concept that will reach your target group wherever they get their information.
We deliver text for communication products and develop brand or product names- finding claims and creating effective headlines and crisp copy.
<3 Scenography
Your environment is constantly communicating with you. Here, we effectively stage spaces: for knowledge transfer in exhibition spaces and museums, as a marketing backdrop, or an entire world of experience in amusement parks and zoological gardens.
Type is an essential corporate design element, as much as logo and color. The form of a good typeface helps to convey emotion in communication. We create bespoke typefaces for a consistent brand presence, optimized for print or screen, and barrier-free on request.
3D Visualization
We use 3D in many ways in our work processes. We model products or prototypes for learning stations or analog games. We use it to realistically test the effect of scenographic solutions and plan trade-fair presentations. We especially like to use it to experiment with new ways of visual representation.
Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne Erfurt
Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH
FV Welterbe an Saale und Unstrut e.V.
GRASSI Museum für angewandte Kunst Leipzig
GRASSI Museum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig
Industriekultur Leipzig e.V.
Jan Bouman Haus Potsdam
Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg
Landesverband der Freien Theater in Sachsen e.V.
Lindenau Museum Altenburg
Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
Museum Naumburg
Museum Weißenfels im Schloss Neu-Augustusburg
Musik- und Kunstschule Landkreis Leipzig
Naturkundemuseum Leipzig
Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH
Sächsisches Industriemuseum
Schaubühne Lindenfels
Schulmuseum – Werkstatt für Schulgeschichte Leipzig
Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden
Thüringer Theaterverband e.V.
Science and Education
Berufsbildungswerk Leipzig (BBW) gGmbH
Fraunhofer-Zentraum für Internationales Management+Wissensökonomie
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig
Koordinierungsstelle zur Chancengleichheit an sächsischen Hochschulen
Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle
Leipzig Institute for Meteorology
Musik- und Kunstschule Landkreis Leipzig
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Altenburger Tourismus GmbH
Augustusburg/Scharfenstein/Lichtenwalde Schlossbetriebe gGmbH
Fremdenverkehrsverband Altenburger Land
Landestourismusverband Sachsen e.V.
Landesverband Nachhaltiges Sachsen e.V.
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Natur- und Kulturpark Elbaue GmbH
Naturschutzstation Biberhof Torgau
Saale-Unstrut-Tourismus e.V.
Schloss Wildeck
Schloss- und Kulturbetrieb Altenburg
Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH
Staatl. Schlösser, Burgen & Gärten Sachsen gGmbH
Stadtmarketing Halle (Saale) GmbH
Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH
Tourismus und Sport GmbH
Tourismusregion Zwickau e.V.
Tourismusverband Sächsisches Burgen- und Heideland e.V.
Tourismusverein Borna und Kohrener Land e.V.
Tourismusverein Leipziger Neuseenland e.V.
Verein Städtetourismus in Thüringen e.V.
Zoo Duisburg gGmbH
Zoo Hannover gGmbH
ANNABAU Architekur und Landschaft GmbH
C-Informationssysteme GmbH
Institut für Marktforschung GmbH
Leipziger Institut für Energie GmbH
Lots* Gesellschaft für verändernde Kommunikation mbH
Seecon Ingenieure GmbH
taskforce - Management on Demand GmbH
Ulrich Krüger Landschaftsarchitekten
Wandel Begleiten GmbH
Wurzener Gebäude- und Wohnungs-GmbH
Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Mittelelbe
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
Gemeinde Großpösna
Gemeinde Löbnitz
Landratsamt Forchheim Dienststelle Ebermannstadt
Sächsisches Staatsministerium des Innern
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Soziales und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus
Stadt Altenburg
Stadt Borna
Stadt Delitzsch
Stadt Frohburg
Stadt Grimma
Stadt Markkleeberg
Stadt Markranstädt
Stadt Recklinghausen
Stadt Taucha