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Special exhibition Druckkunst 1919

On behalf of Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig
Period 2020


  • Exhibition design
  • Exhibition marketing
  • Exhibition graphics

The Museum of Printing Art has been a living place of industrial culture since 1994. On four floors, 550 years of printing culture are presented on the basis of functioning machines. In the context of the national anniversary year bauhaus100, we are realizing the largest special exhibition in the museum to date: Druckkunst 1919 - The precursors of the Bauhaus in the printmaking industry. On 250m², more than 100 exhibits provide a multifaceted insight into the activities of the graphic arts trade in Leipzig at the beginning of the 1920s.

Basic Design Idea

As a basic spat­ial idea, we adap­ted the princi­ple of classic street posters as known from adver­tis­ing pillars. The posters are (partially) pasted over others, with contents super­im­posed. In the exhi­bi­tion, wall typo­graphy is over­laid by other infor­ma­tion blocks, even from the surface into the space. In addition, a subtle over­lay effect is reflec­ted in all graphic infor­mation ele­ments.

"ungestalt. is a reliable and inspiring partner for exhibitions. The collaboration is great fun and the visual results have given the museum a good response."

Dr. Susanne Richter, Director Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig

Exhibition Marketing and Catalog

For the exhi­bi­tion communication, we used the "Röder­mädchen" motif from an old advertising brand. The "Röder­mädchen" smiles at the viewer through a vignet­ted 1919 – as a reference to the logo of the anniver­sary year. The key visual was designed as a scalable system for all kinds of exhi­bi­tion elements and adver­ti­sing material accom­panying the exhi­bi­tion, which included invitation cards, flags, adver­tise­ments, and posters. We also designed the exhibition catalog, including graphic elements from the exhi­bi­tion inside.

Direct contact for Branding & Digital

Fabian Dornhecker

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