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Design Collective

Public Transport Campaign for Short-Stay Passengers

On behalf ofLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
  • Campaign development
  • Illustration

Now and then, we feel the urge to escape the hustle and bustle of the city for some time, but wonder "how" and "where". The colour­ful campaign "Für Kurzaus­steiger (For Short-Stay Passengers)'' offers a solution to this. In Leipzig, Dresden, and Erfurt, motifs of getaway destinations within the region of Leipzig adorn the walls of train stations, suburban trains, and trams. The cheerful, eye-catch­ing illus­tration style adresses a wide array of target groups. It can be easily expanded with new motifs, and flexibly adapted to different advertising formats. Due to the positive response, the campaign will be expanded in the follow­ing year with new motifs and shown in selected cities in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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