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Crossmedia Campaign cityflitzer

On behalf of Mobility Center GmbH
Period 12/2017 to 12/2018
  • Branding
  • Campaign Planning
  • Implementation

In February 2018 launched city­flitzer, the first sta­tion­less car-sharing service in Leipzig, as a supple­ment to the established station-based service of its sister brand teilAuto. The func­tion and benefits of the so-called free-floating service were new to the public, as there were previous­ly no direct competing providers in the city. Our year-round, cross-media launch campaign is designed to make city­flitzer known city­wide, to establish an in­depen­dent brand image and to build up a solid customer base.

The story begins …

Campaign Concept

We chose a cross-media cam­paign approach to make the most out of the given budget. Channels of diffe­rent types of media are interlinked using references to maximize the reach of each platform. It's essential to have a consistent central idea across all channels when working in cross-media communication, as this generates recognition of the campaign.

Main Theme

The target group is young, urban, web-savvy Leipzi­gers – singles and families – for whom spon­taneity and a sense of freedom are their top pri­ori­ties. Here is where the theme of our campaign comes in: dy­namic, easy-going, and humorous, we present city­flitzer as the new hero of the city, which allows the possibility for oneself to be free from the restric­tions of existing mobi­lity services. It is an every­day hero, a local hero, a revo­lutionary!

"The balancing act between respect for the established and experimental innovations has been successful. the campaign and the appearance will be with us for a long time."

Michael Creutzer - Managing Partner Mobility Center GmbH

Superman Meets Vehicle Fleet


The visual design of the hero theme began with the bran­ding of the new vehicle fleet. After all, the vehicles are product, adver­tis­ing space, and hero all in one. We abstracted classic super­hero ele­ments concerning the desired light-hearted brand image and the meaningful cross-channel appli­cabili­ty. Start­ing with the car wrap, we complemented the visual appea­rance with fur­ther elements that we required later in the cam­paign.

Brand Hierarchy

city­flitzer is the new free-floating ser­vice of the nation­ally known station-based car shar­ing com­pany teilAuto. In­stead of being pre­sen­ted visually and content-wise only as an exten­ded service, we decid­ed to introduce cityflitzer as an in­depen­dent brand. Our chal­lenge was to differen­tiate the two brands enough to commu­ni­cate in an image- and target group-specific way but still make the brand affini­ty unmis­tak­able.

It's All in the Mix <3

Marketing Mix – Digital First

We decided which marketing channels we would use and how intensively based on the following framework conditions: budget, target groups, and product essence. We then structured the campaign year with timing, appearance, and content in mind. The first avenue of communication was our digital audience. Users on social media were informed and entertained, promoting a recognizable brand identity in the eyes of the viewers and the formation of a community. Selectively placed, attention-grabbing classic outdoor advertising attracted viewers in print and public spaces. All measures were consistent with the central information platform

"Overall, we were completely convinced by their work - together we got the cityflitzer off to a good start, ungestalt was fully responsible for marketing and communication."

Michael Creutzer - Managing Partner Mobility Center GmbH

Say, are you serious!?

Unconventional Measures

Finding the right mixture of elements for the marketing mix was our assignment. Free-flowing and crazy sounded good to us. Fortunately, cityflitzer also liked the sound of it. So, our client dared to use Leipzig's urban space as a playground, paying homage to the city's character (and defying possible consequences) with guerilla advertising that kept with the hero theme and helped leave just the right impression in the audience's minds. 

"Guerrilla marketing aims to achieve a surprise effect on the largest possible number of people at comparatively low cost."

der markt - International Journal of Marketing (2011)

All's well that ends well

Evaluation and Findings

The hero has landed: The city­flitzer fleet in­creased to 150 cars in autumn 2018 to meet the growing number of users. In 2019, another 50 cars followed, and the operating area signi­ficant­ly expanded. We believe that our work has contributed signi­ficant­ly to this suc­cess. It was the first cam­paign of this magni­tude that we imple­men­ted as the lead agency. It was corres­ponding­ly challeng­ing for us, but through the open, friend­ly, and construc­tive cooper­ation with the client, we were able to try new things with­out fearing the inevit­able mis­takes and gained a lot of valu­able ex­perience. Thank you, city­flitzer!

Direct contact for Campaigns & Branding

Swana Sobottka

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