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GenZ Cultural Campaign Leipzig

On behalf of LiveKommbinat Leipzig e.V.
Period 2023
Seocial media support Francis Müller + LAB Leipzig
  • Communication concept
  • Media planning & control
  • Creation

New and strongly networked: the institutions of the independent scene and the cultural administration join forces to present Leipzig's cultural diversity to the younger generation in a nice way. Due to the pandemic-related restrictions, some of Leipzig's younger citizens did not have free access to the diverse cultural offerings.

Treat yourself to culture

Task and approach

We ask all the stakeholders involved in working groups about their needs and reformulate the task in a re-briefing: Let's show the GenZ what Leipzig's culture has to offer them. We bundle messages, channels and measures in a communication concept. Then we develop the central idea and the graphic language of the campaign. The results of our creative process are evaluated by our own test group of 16–24-year-old Leipzigers.

Treat yourself to culture


Digital first. We offer the information where the target group moves. Together with our project partners, we establish a curated digital information offering on Instagram and a project website, and also advertise it in several phases throughout the city.

Direct contact for Campaigns & Branding

Swana Sobottka

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