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Information campaign on affordable housing

On behalf of Stadt Leipzig- Amt für Wohnungsbau und Stadterneuerung
Period 2020–21
  • Planning
  • Design
  • Implementation

Leipzig is attractive and growing rapidly. Supply and demand for housing are changing. On behalf of the Office for Housing and Urban Renewal, we developed a cross-departmental concept for stakeholder communication. Together with the stakeholders, we developed guidelines and corporate design specifications in a multi-stage analysis and participation process. The goal was to present the activities and boundaries of the city administration in a comprehensible way. Since 2021, publications of the departments have taken the guidelines into account, we advise on the implementation and support the production of roll-ups, brochures or posters. We took over planning, graphic design and implementation of the entire process as well as all individual measures. An image campaign 2022 is in preparation.

Direct contact for Illustration & Campaigns

Franziska Wander

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