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Scenography Biberland

On behalf of Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Mittelelbe
Period 2022
Realization ScheinWelt, Leipzig
  • Scenography
  • Learning stations
  • Media stations

The Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve is part of the UNESCO Elbe River Landscape. In the middle of it, nature lovers will find the Beaver Land. Here they can learn about the life and work of castor fiber – the Elbe beaver.

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Task and approach

The central beaver area as well as adjacent willow and fruit trails are fundamentally revised scenographically and from a nature education point of view. Within the framework of a call for tenders, we prevail with our holistic approach. We plan and realize new interactive learning stations and information boards about the life and habitat of the native Elbe beaver. Our scenographic approach uses natural materials and embeds the information elements harmoniously into the landscape.

What we learn here

Challenges and solutions

An on-demand video live stream of the beaver lodge needs a special solution due to humidity, weather fluctuations and the beavers' eagerness to build. Together with VJU Lighting, we are developing a mobile, minimally invasive camera technology with a self-sufficient power supply, since cost-intensive civil engineering work on site or the use of regenerative energy sources can only be implemented under restrictions.

Direct contact for Scenography & Print

Torsten Schaumburg

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