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Peggy Opitz Physiotherapy

On behalf of Physiotherapiepraxis Peggy Opitz
Period 2019
  • Illustration
  • Conception

Phy­sio­therapist Peggy Opitz came to us with a concrete idea for main­taining her existing clientele and acquiring new custo­mers: funny quotations from her every­day practice published as a set of postcards doubling as vouchers. We complem­ented the humourous text with eye-catching, full-surface il­lustra­tions so that the "want to have" effect in the end product is doubly effec­tive. We deli­berately chose an innocent illus­tra­tion style as a contrast to the raunchy content of the slogans. The postcards were so well received by the patients that we imme­diately fol­lowed up the project with a second series and a wall calendar!

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